Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dom Dom Dom

Sometimes I make bad jokes in English that are even worse in German. In Köln, the "Dom" as it is called is the architechtural centerpiece of the city. Whenever I see it, I like to sing, "Dom, dom dom dom, DOMMMM". No one has EVER laughed. Not once. Still, I persist. So the Dom stands right outside the Hauptbanhof, and was essentially the only major strcuture to evade total desecration during the bombings in World War II. In all honesty, being inside it gives me the same feeling as the end of Stephen King's "Carrie" does, when the mom calls her breasts "dirty pillows" (Anyone? Anyone?). Kind of creepy, but it is really stunning as part of the sky line, and there are all sorts of objects fashioned in its shape, like salt and pepper shakers, hats, keychains, lampshades. People really dig the Dom, so it wouldn't be fair not to show you. Here's a shitty picture I took from Deutz (but you can see what I mean about striking):

I tried in vain to find an epic photo I could put here to compare, but people are really protective of their pictures of it for some reason, so you'll have to google Kölner Dom yourself if you're aching to see more. Don't forget the ö.

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